About the workshop
We envisioned the workshop consisting of at least two overlapping thematic topics. First (molecular): genome evolution, phylogenetic comparative methods and population genomics. Second (phenotypic combined with molecular data): evolutionary morphometry and phylogeny (phylogenetic signals in morphometric data). As an integral part of this segment, the workshop will involve practical work on taxonomy and cladistics using both molecular and phenotypic data. The significance of the valid experimental design in solving various evolutionary questions will be discussed during the whole workshop with the special emphasis on experimental evolution approach. The participants will have the opportunity to interlink diverse theoretical concepts with methodology for their validation.
Additionally, students will present their own research. A strong emphasis of the workshop will be put on discussions on various topics. Firstly, and most importantly, the problem of creationism is very important in this part of the Europe and we should discuss it (watching several movies could be an excellent intro for the discussion). Other issues, such as popularization of science and evolutionary reasoning are also very important.